Diedre and dogs, Evie and Sybil

Diedre and dogs, Evie and Sybil 
twigs, acorn, immature pine cones, pine cones, hydrangea, chrysanthemum petals, caragana pod

Diedre is a dog walker. She would like to have her own dog but for now is content to walk her friend’s dogs, Sybil and Evie. She is firm with the dogs and keeps them on leashes. She always has treats for them. She also likes it when Viola walks with them because the dogs frolic when they hear the music.

On one of their walks they decided to visit the Sybil and Evie in the human world. It was terribly frightening because that Sybil and Evie are so large. Bravery is a combination of terror and desire and the little duo was very brave, as was Diedre who led the foray through the floor level to get to the high place where it was safe. 

The human world Sybil and Evie were gracious to their visitors and really didn't act any way other than friendly. But, still, they are very large.

Unfortunately, there was a  catastrophe! While the dogs gave little notice to their Twiggers visitors, one of the resident cats (there are two) climbed, stretched and batted until Diedre and the small dogs fell within reach. The trio was terrified! All three suffered greatly under the attack.

A decision needed to be made. Should there be a Twigger funeral or should an attempt at restoration be made?

All three underwent surgical procedures to reattach limbs, heads and smaller details. They survived and, in the manner of “getting back on the horse,” have fearlessly (but not without trepidation) gone back to the site of their attack.

They are more watchful, now, and live on a safer plane (we hope).


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