Dibble is an avid agate
hunter. He was so frustrated, though, when he found a perfectly fine, rather
outstanding really, agate imbedded in tar on the blacktop road. He waited a
life time, or nearly so, wishing he could get that agate. But, he knew it didn’t
belong to him and even though no one person owns the road, it didn’t belong to
him, either. And then one day, a big machine came down the road chewing up the
old surface. It was followed by other machines that put down a new black top.
He saw them coming and knew it was his only chance to get the black top agate.
He found the best tool for the purpose and with Fran’s help, dug the agate out
just in time. Some of the quartz layer broke in the process. Dibble saved those
pieces, too.
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